Guidance documents
The National Access Forum has produced several guidance documents on a range of topics.
Over recent years the National Access Forum has produced several guidance documents, on a range of topics where more detailed advice was needed.
The guidance papers have generally been prepared by a special sub-group in each case, bringing together a range of relevant people and interests, and using dialogue, site visits and consensus-building to arrive at the detailed practical advice. The National Access Forum has also provided input to other bodies' advisory publications, for instance with NatureScot or with the Moorland Forum.
The National Access Forum Guidance papers are:
- Guidance on managing public access in areas of wildlife sensitivity in Scotland (April 2024)
- Guidance on Roads and Access Legislation in Scotland (September 2022)
- Guidance Note on the Use of Mediation for Access (November 2020)
- Unauthorised Mountain Bike Trails - a guide for land managers and riders (November 2018)
- Outdoor events in Scotland - Guidance for organisers and land managers (updated June 2017)
- Managing camping with tents in Scotland (updated February 2021)
- Guidance on lighting fires (updated May 2016)
- Guidance on commercial access to the outdoors in Scotland - local management (March 2014)
- Signs relating to access and locked gates - Summary messages on good practice (May 2012)
- Deer stalking and public access - Guidance on stalking communication (May 2016)
Other contributory guidance documents include -
- Good Practice during Windfarm Construction (NatureScot) (4th edition, 2019) - see Part 8 on 'Recreation and Access'
- Electric fences and public access on moorland (updated July 2012)