Exploring the outdoors
with Calum Maclean

Calum Maclean is a presenter, social media specialist, adventurer and writer based in the Highlands of Scotland. 

Watch these short videos and let Calum be your guide as he visits stunning locations and shares his top tips for enjoying Scotland’s great outdoors responsibly and safely.

Leave it better. Maybe that's picking up some rubbish, maybe that's passing on your best crisp-bag-hack-party-trick.

I think that's how we should leave places if we can. When I'm out in nature, I try and leave no trace, and follow the Scottish Outdoor Access Code but sometimes you can even upgrade that.

In this video, I visit Loch Leven National Nature Reserve - my first time there and I will be back!

(Please note that from 1 September to 31 March we advise against using canoes, kayaks, rowing boats and similar craft at Loch Leven because huge numbers of birds are present across the loch, and they are easily disturbed.)

Does a Calum camp in the woods?

Aye - and here's how.

I visited the Muir of Dinnet National Nature Reserve and camped overnight.

I always carry a stove to cook on - the risk of wildfires from a fire is very high when it's as dry and hot as it is when I filmed this, and using a stove leaves no mess or trace.

Respect wildlife: give them space.

For World Ocean's Day I went seal spotting and visited the epic dune system at Forvie National Nature Reserve.

It'd be so easy to fling the drone up and get shots there - but sometimes it's not the right thing to do. Places like this are important breeding areas and habitats for seals and birds. We can still see them but also help to avoid stressing or harassing them. Here, that means giving them space, on and off the water.

Fireside chat.

Do you need a fire when you go camping? Should you have one?

Even if you think it rains a lot, fires can still spread really quickly, cause huge damage, and cause massive damage.

Places can take decades to recover, it can harm animals and damage vegetation.

This summer especially has been so hot and dry.

Is it worth the risk?

You don't need a fire for this epic stew anyway 👌 

More about Tentsmuir National Nature Reserve


Flat calm. I got absolutely perfect paddling conditions the other day at Loch Leven National Nature Reserve - barely any wind, warm and dry.

We've got amazing freedom in Scotland to access water with (non-motorised) craft - like kayaks, SUPs, canoes - and this freedom also comes with responsibility. It can be all too easy to disturb wildlife without even realising it, so by following the Scottish Outdoor Access Code (SOAC) and NatureScot guidance here, it helps reduce that.

Stress-free birds. Stress-free paddle. Stress-free life for all ✅

(Please note that from 1 September to 31 March we advise against using canoes, kayaks, rowing boats and similar craft at Loch Leven because huge numbers of birds are present across the loch, and they are easily disturbed.)

You can find out more about Calum on his website and follow him on Instagram.

The videos on this page were made in paid partnership with NatureScot.

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