Land Reform Act Find out about the Land Reform (Scotland) Act 2003, including who has duties and powers and the history of the legislation.
Scottish Outdoor Access Code - for visitors and land managers Find out what the Scottish Outdoor Access Code means for you and who to contact if you have a question.
National Access Forum The National Access Forum (NAF) has been established by NatureScot to advise on national issues linked to Scottish access rights.
Local access forums What is a Local Access Forum (LAF)? Find out who is involved and get the latest updates.
Core paths plans The core paths network across Scotland aims to give everyone 'reasonable access throughout their area'. Find out where your nearest core path is.
Education resources Activity Guides and resources for teachers and group leaders that can be adapted for all age groups are available.
Exploring the outdoors with Calum Maclean Join Calum at stunning locations and get his top tips for enjoying Scotland’s great outdoors responsibly and safely.
Gaelic Gàidhlig Tha sinn toilichte fiosrachadh is goireasan air Còd Slighean Dùthchail na h-Alba a thoirt seachad sa Ghàidhlig. / We are pleased to offer Scottish Outdoor Access Code information and resources in Gaelic.
Other best practice Codes A range of guides and codes are available to help you behave responsibly when doing specific activities.
Resources to promote responsible access Downloadable images to help promote safe and responsible enjoyment of our outdoors.
Access Code branding Download branded materials to help promote Scotland's access rights and responsibilities.
TV and radio adverts Watch and listen to adverts created to promote and raise awareness of the Scottish Outdoor Access Code.