Scottish Access Officer Contact List
The access officers uphold access rights and facilitate access and should be your first port of call for any local access enquiry, question or problem.
Local Authority | Access Staff | Job Title | Phone | |
Shetland | Liam Drosso | Access Officer | 01595 744169 | outdooraccess@shetland.gov.uk |
Orkney | Erica Hume Niven | Rural Planner – Development and Marine Planning | 01856 873535 Ext 2541 | Erica.Niven@orkney.gov.uk |
Local Authority | Access Staff | Job Title | Phone | |
Western Isles | Murdo Mackay | Temporary contact pending recruitment | m.mackay@cne-siar.gov.uk |
Local Authority | Access Staff | Job Title | Phone | |
Highland | Stewart Eastaugh | AO for Lochalsh, Inverness & Nairn | Mobile 07884 752289 | stewart.eastaugh@highland.gov.uk |
Highland | Phil Waite | Outdoor Access and Long Distance Route Manager and AO for Ross and Cromarty | 01349 868431 | philip.waite@highland.gov.uk |
Highland | Matt Dent | AO (Caithness & Sutherland) | 01408 635377 | matt.dent@highland.gov.uk |
Highland | Bridget Thomas | AO for Lochaber & Skye | - | bridget.thomas@highland.gov.uk |
Local Authority | Access Staff | Job Title | Phone | |
Aberdeen | Karen van Eeden | Environmental Planner | 01224 067054 | Kvaneeden@aberdeencity.gov.uk |
Aberdeen | Guy Bergman | Environmental Planner | 01224 053221 | gbergman@aberdeencity.gov.uk |
Aberdeenshire | Bridget Freeman | Outdoor Access Officer | M: 07825 118083 | bridget.freeman@aberdeenshire.gov.uk |
Moray | Hector Bryden | Outdoor Access and Countryside Officer | 01343 557049 | Hector.Bryden@moray.gov.uk |
Local Authority | Access Staff | Job Title | Phone | |
Clackmannanshire | Lawrence Hunter | Access Officer | 01259 452681 | lhunter@clacks.gov.uk |
Perth and Kinross | Dave Stubbs | Area Greenspace Coordinator (Communities) | 01738 475347 | dstubbs@pkc.gov.uk |
Perth and Kinross | Calum Bachell | Greenspace Coordinator (Policy) | - | CBachell@pkc.gov.uk |
Perth and Kinross Countryside Trust | Peter Quinn | Trust Director | 01738 476580 | peter.quinn@pkct.org |
Perth and Kinross Countryside Trust | Bid Strachan | Communities and Grants Officer | 01738 475348 | bid.strachan@pkct.org |
Perth and Kinross Countryside Trust | Andy Barrie | Strategic Routes Officer | 01738 475239 | ajbarrie@pkc.gov.uk |
Angus | Paul Clark | Countryside Access Officer | 01307 491863 | clarkpr@angus.gov.uk |
Dundee | John Whyman | Outdoor Access Officer | 01382 434769 | john.whyman@dundeecity.gov.uk |
Local Authority | Access Staff | Job Title | Phone | |
Argyll and Bute | Jolyon Gritten | Access Manager | 01546 604314 | jolyon.gritten@argyll-bute.gov.uk |
Stirling | Mairi McIntosh | Access Officer | - | accessofficer@stirling.gov.uk |
Local Authority | Access Staff | Job Title | Phone | |
Glasgow | Jessy Field | Outdoor Access Officer | - | jessy.field@glasgow.gov.uk |
East Renfrewshire | Vacant | Access Officer | - | planning@eastrenfrewshire.gov.uk |
Whitelee Access Project Officer | Nick Prower | Access Project Officer | 0141 577 3569 | nick.prower@eastrenfrewshire.gov.uk |
Renfrewshire | Vacant | Access Officer | - | strategyandplace@renfrewshire.gov.uk |
Inverclyde | Margaret Pickett | Senior Planner | 01475 712493 | Margaret.Pickett@inverclyde.gov.uk |
West Dunbartonshire | Vacant | Access Officer | 01389 772059 | wdc.greenspace@west-dunbarton.gov.uk |
East Dunbartonshire | John Oates | Access and Path Development Officer | 0300 123 4510 M: 07919 210438 | john.oates@eastdunbarton.gov.uk |
North Lanarkshire | Hugh Ilgunas | Access Officer | 01236 632 715 | ilgunasH@northlan.gov.uk |
South Lanarkshire | Vacant | Landscape and Access Development Manager | ||
South Lanarkshire | Alan Bannister | Access Officer | 01698 717790 M: 07795 453428 | alan.bannister@southlanarkshire.gov.uk |
North Ayrshire | Laura Anderson | Active Travel and Transport Manager | 01294 317217 | lauraanderson@north-ayrshire.gov.uk |
North Ayrshire | Kate Cuthbert | Active Travel Hub Officer | 01294 324298 | katecuthbert@north-ayrshire.gov.uk |
East Ayrshire | Anneke Freel | Countryside Development Manager | 01563 554748 | anneke.freel@eastayrshireleisure.com |
East Ayrshire | Louise Kyle | Countryside Marketing Officer | 01563 554751 | louise.kyle@eastayrshireleisure.com |
East Ayrshire | Paddy MacDonald | Countryside Development Officer | 01563 554756 | james.macdonald@eastayrshireleisure.com |
South Ayrshire | Rachel Shipley | Access Officer | 01292 616426 | rachel.shipley@south-ayrshire.gov.uk |
Dumfries and Galloway
Local Authority | Access Staff | Job Title | Phone | |
Dumfries and Galloway | Bryan Scott | Countryside Development Officer | 01387 273985 or 07825 712125 | bryan.scott@dumgal.gov.uk |
Dumfries and Galloway | Ross Gemmell | Access Ranger | 033 33 33 3000 or 078345 67893 | ross.gemmell@dumgal.gov.uk |
Dumfries and Galloway | Robbie Cowan | Access Officer | 07824708192 | robbie.cowan@dumgal.gov.uk |
Local Authority | Access Staff | Job Title | Phone | |
Scottish Borders | - | Outdoor Access Team | 01835 825070 | outdooraccess@scotborders.gov.uk |
Scottish Borders | Susan Gray | Access Ranger (South) | 01835 826703 | susangray@scotborders.gov.uk |
East Lothian | Nick Morgan | Outdoor Access Officer | 01620 827671 | nmorgan@eastlothian.gov.uk |
Midlothian | James Kinch | Land Resources Manager, Land & Countryside Service Resources | 0131 561 5256 M: 07808 398 726 | james.kinch@midlothian.gov.uk |
West Lothian | Beverly Stirling | Ranger Services Manager | 01506 284516 M: 07919 628 986 | beverly.stirling@westlothian.gov.uk |
West Lothian | Tony Mason | Access Ranger | 01506 284503 M: 07827 983963 | tony.mason@westlothian.gov.uk |
Falkirk | Angus Duncan | Outdoor Access Team Leader | 01324 504928 | angus.duncan@falkirk.gov.uk |
Falkirk | Fiona Wishart | Access Ranger (West) | 01324 501016 | fiona.wishart@falkirk.gov.uk |
Falkirk | Lesley Sweeney | Access Ranger (East) | 01324 501017 | lesley.sweeney@falkirk.gov.uk |
Fife Coast & Countryside Trust | Robbie Blyth | Head of Operations | 01592 748334 | robbie.blyth@fifecountryside.co.uk |
Fife Coast & Countryside Trust | James Gemmell | Access and Recreation Manager | 07738 754 063 | James.Gemmell@fifecountryside.co.uk |
Edinburgh | Vacant (2023) | Natural Heritage Team | 0131 529 2401 | outdooraccess@edinburgh.gov.uk |
Park | Access Staff | Job Title | Phone | |
Cairngorms | Adam Streeter-Smith | Recreation and Access Manager | 01479 870539 | adamstreetersmith@cairngorms.co.uk |
Cairngorms | Douglas Stewart | Access Officer | 01479 870533 | douglasstewart@cairngorms.co.uk |
Cairngorms | Vicky Hilton | Access Officer | 01479 870551 | vickyhilton@cairngorms.co.uk |
Loch Lomond & the Trossachs | Sue Hilder | Sustainable Transport & Access Manager | - | sue.hilder@lochlomond-trossachs.org |
Loch Lomond & the Trossachs | Dave Robinson | Access and Recreation Officer | 01389 722147 | dave.robinson@lochlomond-trossachs.org |
Loch Lomond & the Trossachs | Guy Keating | Recreation and Access Advisor | 01389 722677 M: 07739 775050 | guy.keating@lochlomond-trossachs.org |
Organisation | Access Staff/contact | Job Title | Phone | |
National Access Forum | Ali Tait | Secretariat | 01463 701662 | NAFsec@nature.scot |
Scottish Land & Estates | Simon Ovenden | Policy Adviser (Access and Visitor Management) | 0131 653 5400 | simon.ovenden@scottishlandandestates.co.uk |
Paddle Scotland | Grant Dolier | Access and Environment Officer | - | ro.central@canoescotland.org |
British Horse Society | Helene Mauchlen | Development Officer | 01764 656334 | h.mauchlen@bhs.org.uk |
British Horse Society | Catriona Davies | Access Officer | 02476 840749 mobile: 07757 258712 | catriona.davies@bhs.org.uk |
Mountaineering Scotland | David Black | Access & Conservation Officer | 01333 320701 | access@mountaineering.scot |
Scottish Rights of Way & Access Society (Scotways) | Alison Riddell | National Secretary | 0131 558 1222 | alison_riddell@scotways.com |
Scottish Rights of Way & Access Society (Scotways) | Eleisha Fahy | Senior Access Officer | 0131 558 1222 | eleisha_fahy@scotways.com |
Ramblers Scotland | Brendan Paddy | Director | 020 3961 3271/07825 994 592 | brendan.paddy@ramblers.org.uk |
Ramblers Scotland | Gavin Corbett | Policy and Advocacy Manager | 07867421938 | Gavin.Corbett@ramblers.org.uk |
Defence Estates | Scott Ashworth | Access & Recreation Advisor | 01383 648077 | scott.ashworth338@mod.gov.uk |
Developing Mountain Biking in Scotland | Graeme McLean | Head of Developing Mountain Biking in Scotland | 07960 271566 | graeme.mclean@scottishcycling.org.uk |
Scottish Forestry | Hugh McNish | Access, Health and Recreation Advisor | 07768005502 | hugh.mcnish@forestry.gov.scot |
Paths for All | Richard Armstrong | Development Manager | 07391869653 | Richard.Armstrong@pathsforall.org.uk |
North Region | 0300 067 6100 | enquiries.north@forestryandland.gov.scot |
West Region | 0300 067 6650 | enquiries.west@forestryandland.gov.scot |
East Region | 0300 067 6380 | enquiries.east@forestryandland.gov.scot |
Central Region | 0300 067 6600 | enquiries.central@forestryandland.gov.scot |
South Region | 0300 067 6900 | enquiries.south@forestryandland.gov.scot |
Jonnie Hall | Director of Policy | 07770 934898 | jonathan.hall@nfus.org.uk |
Gemma Cooper | Head of Policy Team | 07825 993261 | gemma.cooper@nfus.org.uk |
Kate Maitland | Regional Manager (East Central) | 07919 001239 | kate.maitland@nfus.org.uk |
Ian Wilson | Regional Manager (Highlands) | 07775 915988 | Ian.wilson@nfus.org.uk |
Lorna Paterson | Regional Manager (North East) | 07786 860453 | lorna.paterson@nfus.org.uk |
Holly Fitzsimmons | Regional Manager (Ayrshire) | 0131 472 4013 M: 07775838926 | holly.fitzsimmons@nfus.org.uk |
Tracey Roan | Regional Manager (Dumfries & Galloway) | 07718 250534 | tracey.roan@nfus.org.uk |
Lauren Worrell | Regional Manager (Argyll & Islands) | 07787 434104 | lauren.worrell@nfus.org.uk |
Sheena Foster | Regional Manager (Forth and Clyde) | 0131 472 4000 M: 07789796582 | sheena.foster@nfus.org.uk |
Linsday Brown | Regional Manager (Lothians and Borders) | 07780 441750 | lindsay.brown@nfus.org.uk |
John Laughton and Nicola Tait | Regional Managers - part-time (Orkney) | 01856 872048 | john.laughton@nfus.org.uk nicola.tait@nfus.org.uk |
Margaret Farquhar | Temporary contact (Shetland) | 01595 693104 | margaret_farquhar@nfumutual.co.uk |
Last updated: December 2024
Please contact Ali Tait, National Access Forum (NAF) Secretary, if you require any updates to be made to the lists above. Email: NAFsec@nature.scot
Last updated: