Cultural heritage sites
Information about access to cultural heritage sites and buildings.
Responsible behaviour by the public
The Access Code says:
Access rights do not apply to buildings or to other cultural heritage sites where a legitimate entry charge is levied. In other cases such as many unsupervised historic or archaeological sites, access rights apply. These sites can be of great value, though they might not always be obvious on the ground, so it is important to look after them. Follow any local byelaws, regulations or approved guidance asking you to modify your behaviour in order to protect a cultural heritage site.
Leave the site as you find it by:
- Not removing anything from it
- Not lighting fires, camping or using metal detectors there
- Not interfering with or entering any archaeological excavations.
Responsible behaviour by land managers
The Access Code says:
You can charge for services provided and for entry to buildings. Public bodies should provide information to visitors on how they might best avoid causing any damage or disturbance to a site.