Fields where crops are being sprayed and fertilised
Find out why you may be asked to avoid using particular routes or areas where pesticides are being used.
Responsible behaviour by the public
The Access Code says:
Land managers often need to apply fertilisers or other materials, such as slurry or lime, to fields of crops. The duration of the hazard depends on the material used but can extend from a few hours to four days in the case of sulphuric acid. As these can be dangerous to public health, land managers are required to ensure that people do not enter land on which pesticides have been used. Follow any advice asking you to avoid using particular routes or areas at these times.
Responsible behaviour by land managers
The Access Code says:
Keep the area affected, and the duration and type of any limitation, to the minimum required. Where reasonably practicable, provide information on the area sprayed, the material used and the dates for the period of risk at any obvious access points, such as car parks and gates. Remove signs and notices when they are no longer needed.