Path management
Technical guidance on paths, gates and other access infrastructure.
Technical guidance on paths, gates and other access infrastructure.
Outdoor Access Design Guide Targeted at paths and facility providers, this publication aims to ensure that our outdoor places are accessible to everyone. It gives advice and designs for gates, steps, boardwalks, seats and other access infrastructure to enable people of all ages and abilities to access the outdoors.
- Lowland Path Construction: A Guide to Good Practice Aimed at path providers and funding agencies, this guidance promotes good practice in lowland path planning, construction, maintenance and monitoring.
- Path Benefits Toolkit For people or groups who want to improve access provision in their areas, this gives a step-by-step guide to assessing the social, environmental and economic benefits of a path network. Guidance on developing paths can be found in Creating a Path Network.
- The Path Manager's Guide to Grading Standard waymarked path grading system for Scotland. Version - January 2016.
- Upland Pathwork: Construction Standards for Scotland Devised for people such as pathworkers, surveyors and land managers, this provides guidance on the basic principles of upland path management and pathwork techniques.
- Upland Path Management - Standards for Delivering Path Projects in Scotland's Natural Heritage Complements the above Upland Pathwork guide and is designed for all those involved in upland path management.
- Car Parks in the Countryside Practical guidance on planning, design and construction of car parks.
- Guidance - Unauthorised Mountain Bike Trails - A guide for land managers and riders
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